Volunteers needed on the day of Masjid Al-Nur Fundraiser
THIS IS A 2nd REQUEST TO HELP ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT. Please sign-up to help for the appropriate requests so we know how much help we have available for both days, insha'Allah.
Assalam o Alaykum Brothers and Sisters.
As we all know Masjid Al-Nur is having an annual fundraising event on Saturday, 03/24/18. For this event, we are in need of Volunteers to help on the day of the event, on Saturday night, from 7:00 pm till 9:00 pm.
We request everyone who is available to join us and help so we can make this event successful InshaAllah.
May Allah reward us all for the time we spend on His path, InshaAllah.
Jazak Allah Khairen
Masjid Al-Nur
2 volunteer(s) have signed up
Volunteer Signups for this request has closed since this request was in the past.
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As'Salaamu Alaiykum - I'll try to help on the day before the event, but not sure as of now. Will help on the day of the event, insha'Allah.