Dhul-Hijjah moon sighted and Sunday, Aug 12 is 1st of Dhul-Hijjah
As'Salaamu Alaiykum -
Saudi Arabia has announced the sighting of Dhul-Hijjah moon and so 1st of Dhul-Hijjah will be on Sunday, Aug 12 with Eid al-Adha being on Tuesday, Aug 21. Masjid Al-Nur is participating in the united Eid prayer at the Farm Show Complex, organized by the Central PA Committee of Masajid.
Please remember to make use of these blessed 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah.
Please visit Masjid Al-Nur website, https://alnurpa.onemasjid.com, for more info and download OneMasjid app and "Follow" Masjid Al-Nur to get to know up-to-date information from the Masjid.
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